TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2013 IUCC MEETING MINUTES -38 days until Lindsay Wilson! -You can't do a collegiate race until you pay dues & sign a waiver -Hotels will be provided at collegiate races for club members -IUCC rides are Saturday's 10:30 AM at the sample gates -Look for a IUCC practice race sometime in the next couple weeks -2013 goal is to try and qualify a Boys and Girls team for Nationals -Freshman/Sophmores, come join our rides since you are the future leaders of IUCC -Collegiate racing is an adventure! -Last day to order clothes is tomorrow https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArihldUDClW4dGxEQ25TWTdXcDBzSzk3VUtmbUQxQkE#gid=0 -People who still need to pay for clothes: Smith Venhuizen Dewart Stuart Becker Duncan McClary Coleman Levin Momper McClary Craig Torrance Wimmer Sojka Johns Burke Contact me at gdewart@indiana.edu by Thursday about whether you are paying in cash or with a card for your clothes. Lik...
Showing posts from January, 2013